
The Partnership boosts the transformation towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive and competitive blue economy. We aim to restore the ocean’s health, resilience and services to people by enabling economic activity that is climate-neutral, sustainable and productive.  


  • by 2030: give the transformation towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive and competitive blue economy a boost
  • by 2050: create and support the conditions for a healthy ocean for the people


Through this vision we work together to support key EU policy objectives of Green transition, digital transformation and recovery and ultimately contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

€ 450
Million planned
over 7 years
Partners &
the European Commission

Facts & Figures

Intervention areas

Intervention Areas are set in the Annual Work Programme of the Partnership and are based on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Member States and Associated Countries’ priorities. Intervention Areas for future calls and activities will be developed according to an annual cycle. 


Digital Twins of the Ocean

This Intervention Area proposes a multidisciplinary, long-lasting research and innovation activity that focuses on the development of twin technology for spatially limited areas at sea-basin level. The activity aims to improve our understanding of the relations among essential systems at sea-basin level and ultimately support the development of AI based simulation and prediction capabilities for European oceans. 

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Blue Economy Sectors

The Intervention Area covers all sectors of the blue economy, focusing on the prerequisites for a green and digital transition of these sectors and on the conditions for co-existence and multi-use of activities and infrastructures at sea. The main aim of the Intervention Area is to support the optimal use of resources in European oceans and seas in terms of space and material flows while ensuring the conditions for sustainability and reducing environmental pressures. 

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Managing Sea-Uses

The Intervention Area addresses the need for innovative tools and approaches to the sustainable planning and management of sea-uses, interlinking maritime spatial planning (MSP), the marine strategy framework directive (MSFD), common fishery policy (CFP), and the marine protected areas (MPAs) with a focus on the regional dimension. 

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Blue Bioresources

The Intervention Area addresses research and innovation needs to support a just transition to the sustainable production and utilization of blue bioresources, with emphasis on production and processes that minimise the environmental impacts while meeting the demand for healthy and affordable blue food, feed, and other biobased products.

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Resilient Coastal Communities and Businesses

This Intervention Area tackles the risks and opportunities for coastal communities, businesses, and infrastructures in the context of climate change and marine environmental degradation, addressing coastal and maritime tourism as well as the conditions for coastal social-ecological systems to deliver ecosystem-services for nature and people.


Digital Twins of the Ocean

This Intervention Area proposes a multidisciplinary, long-lasting research and innovation activity that focuses on the development of twin technology for spatially limited areas at sea-basin level. The activity aims to improve our understanding of the relations among essential systems at sea-basin level and ultimately support the development of AI based simulation and prediction capabilities for European oceans. 

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Blue Economy Sectors

The Intervention Area covers all sectors of the blue economy, focusing on the prerequisites for a green and digital transition of these sectors and on the conditions for co-existence and multi-use of activities and infrastructures at sea. The main aim of the Intervention Area is to support the optimal use of resources in European oceans and seas in terms of space and material flows while ensuring the conditions for sustainability and reducing environmental pressures. 

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Managing Sea-Uses

The Intervention Area addresses the need for innovative tools and approaches to the sustainable planning and management of sea-uses, interlinking maritime spatial planning (MSP), the marine strategy framework directive (MSFD), common fishery policy (CFP), and the marine protected areas (MPAs) with a focus on the regional dimension. 

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Blue Bioresources

The Intervention Area addresses research and innovation needs to support a just transition to the sustainable production and utilization of blue bioresources, with emphasis on production and processes that minimise the environmental impacts while meeting the demand for healthy and affordable blue food, feed, and other biobased products.

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Development and validation of Digital Twins of the Ocean at sub-sea-basin scale


Blue generation marine structures


Planning and managing sea uses


Healthy 'Blue Food' under a 'One Health' approach


Enabling the green transition of 'Blue Food' production


How can you engage?

The Partnership seeks to engage stakeholders across ocean industry sectors, policy, scientific disciplines, and civil society. You can engage in six co-funded calls over the seven-year timeframe 2022-2029. We will further add value with complementary actions and resource mobilisation, including: 

  • research infrastructures 
  • thematic programmes 
  • streamlining other funding sources  


As a Partnership, we engage with initiatives at the level of sea basins and the Atlantic Ocean. At global level, we promote the EU approach to a sustainable blue economy. We seek synergies with other Partnerships and the Mission Restore our Seas and Oceans. In parallel, we are establishing a community of practice with different stakeholders to co-design activities. 


  • Ministry of Universities and Research, Italy - sbep@mur.gov.it

Brussels Cellule

  • Kathrine Angell-Hansen, ka@forskningsradet.no
  • Julie Olivier, j.olivier@fz-juelich.de
  • Angiolo Boncompagni, angiolo.boncompagni@est.mur.gov.it
  • Maurice Heral, maurice.heral@agencerecherche.fr

Sea basin nodes

  • Atlantic Ocean
    Ireland, Majbritt Bolton-Warberg, majbritt.bolton-warberg@marine.ie
    Portugal, Natalia Ospina-Alvarez, natalia.ospina@aircentre.org
  • Baltic Sea
    Estonia, Andro Truuverk,     
    andro.truuverk@kliimaministeerium.ee, Liis Kikas, Liis.Kikas@kliimaministeerium.ee, Kadri Just, kadri.just@agri.ee
    Poland, Monika Wloszek, monika.wloszek@ncbr.gov.pl
  • Black Sea
    Bulgaria, Milen Baltov, mbaltov@bfu.bg
    Georgia, Rusudan Jobava, jobava@rustaveli.org.ge
    Turkey, Ebru Aydin, ebru.aydin@tubitak.gov.tr
    Ukraine, Hryhorii Mozolevych, hryhorii.mozolevych@mon.gov.ua 
  • Mediterranean Sea
    Greece, Sophia Dimotropolou,s.dimitropoulou@gsrt.gr 
    Malta, Maria Azzopardi, maria.azzopardi.2@gov.mt
    Tunisia, Hayet Souai, souaihayet@gmail.com
  • North Sea
    Belgium, Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, ann.katrien.lescrauwaet@vliz.be
    Netherlands, Lisette Enserink, lisette.enserink@rws.nl




Faroe Islands

The Netherlands

The Netherlands

The Netherlands

The Netherlands

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