Funding: €
Deadline pre-proposals:
10 Apr 2024
Deadline full proposals:
6 Nov 2024
Federal Science Policy Office
Fund for Scientific Research
Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Scientific Research Fund
Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies
Research & Innovation Foundation
Innovation Fund Denmark
Estonian Research Council
[ETAg ]
Ministry of Climate
Research Council Faroe Islands
Academy of Finland
National Research Agency
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
General Secretariat for Research and Innovation
Icelandic Centre for Research
Marine Institute
Regione Emilia-Romagna
Ministry of University and Research
Latvian Council of Science
Research Council of Lithuania
The Malta Council for Science and Technology
Research Council of Norway
National Centre for Research and Development
Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Centre
Foundation for Science and Technology
Regional Fund for Science and Technology
Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Spanish State Research Agency
Center for Technological Development and Innovation
A Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development
Swedish National Space Agency
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
[Min LNV de Staat]
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
The Dutch Research Council
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye
Call text - Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (updated 23.02.2024)
Annex A - Theory of Change
Annex B - National Contact Points and National Regional Regulations (updated 10.04.2024)
Annex C - List of beneficiaries of SBEP allowed to participate in the projects
Annex D - Pre-proposal form
Annex E - Full-proposal form
Annex F - Open Access and Fair Data
Annex List of Participating Funding Organisations – Budget and funded priority areas (provisional - updated 20.02.2024)
Pre-proposal submission deadline: 10/04/2024, 15:00 CEST (Brussels Time)
Full proposal submission deadline (Provisional): 06/11/2024, 15:00 CET (Brussels Time)
The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership is pleased to announce its second joint transnational call entitled “Unified Paths to a Climate-Neutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry».
The vision of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, a European partnership under the Horizon Europe Programme, is to design, steer and support a just and inclusive transition to a regenerative, resilient, and sustainable blue economy. This EU Partnership aims to boost the transformation needed towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive, and competitive blue economy by 2030 while creating and supporting the conditions for a sustainable ocean for the people by 2050.
This second co-funded call aims to support transnational research and innovation projects of 36 months duration, addressing one of the four priority areas below (subject to funded priority areas by participating funding organisations, see Annex):
(1) Digital Twins of the Ocean at regional sub basin scale
(2) Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures
(3) Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
(4) Blue Bioresources
Projects in this co-funded call must be impact-driven contributions to the transformation into a blue economy for a more resilient future and towards carbon neutrality targets, following an impact pathway approach.
The proposals are expected to consider a minimum of two European sea basins and to assess the project proposal’s impact on various basins. Proposals can target European regional seas such as Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Arctic, Barents Sea, Celtic Sea, etc. but these regional seas must be from a minimum of 2 different European Sea basins which are: the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The second co-funded call of this EU Partnership pools national and regional financial resources through the participation of 38 funding organisations from 26 countries combined with the contribution from the European Union. 20 Member-States, 5 Associated Countries and 1 Third Country are participating: Belgium, Brazil, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Tunisia, and Türkiye. The total estimated budget is about EUR 40 million.
To be eligible, each consortium must be composed of eligible partners from at least three different countries participating in the call and requesting financial support from at least three different funding organisations participating in the call. In addition, the projects must involve at least two independent legal entities from two different EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries (as recipients of the financial support, at the time of the closing of the call by 10/04/2024) eligible for EU funding in this call for (pre-)proposal. Self-funded partners, including partners from countries (and/or regions) not participating in this co-funded call, are allowed but do not contribute to the minimum eligible consortium size.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to involve stakeholders (i.e., small, and medium enterprises (SMEs), industries, authorities, public administrations, associations, as well as civil society organisations) as partners or self-funded partners (according to national/regional regulations) in their proposal. Stakeholder engagement in the research projects will enhance innovation, policy, and societal relevance and ultimately the impact of the projects.
Applicants will have up to 10 April 2024 (15H00 CEST) to submit their pre-proposals. A first evaluation of pre-proposals will be organised and the deadline to submit full proposals is foreseen for November 2024.
This call is co-branded as part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, which is coordinated by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO) on behalf of the UN system, with the aim that the funded research and innovation projects are endorsed as Ocean Decade projects.
A general information webinar was organised on the 15 February (14H00-16H30 CET) to answer your questions regarding the call. You can view the slides here.
Ten sessions of two hours will be organised from 26 February to 8 March. Sessions are scheduled between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM or 02:00 PM and 04:00 PM CET. The matchmaking event has the ambition to connect researchers, companies and stakeholders from marine and maritime communities interested in the Partnership's second transnational Call. To help you finding a project to join, or partners for your project, you have the possibility to set up 20 minutes meetings with other participants during the matchmaking sessions of the event. More information here.
For more information: We invite you to regularly consult our website and social media channels to be kept updated on this major research funding opportunity.
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