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94 pre-proposals for the 1st call

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership received 94 pre-proposals in the 1st joint transnational call. The deadline for pre-proposals in the call  “The way forward: a thriving sustainable blue economy for a brighter future” was 14 April 2023. The results of the pre-proposal evaluation will be later confirmed in mid-July. Shortlisted consortia will be invited to submit full proposals by 13 September. 

The call addresses five priority areas. As figure 1 shows, Priority Area 3 “Climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable, and resource-efficient blue food and feed“ received the highest interest with 42% of the pre-proposals. This was followed by Priority Area 5 “Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs) test use cases at EU sea-basin scale and the Atlantic Ocean”, accounting for 17% of the pre-proposals.  

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows that the pre-proposals address all the European sea basins and the Atlantic Ocean.  

Figure 2