The Partnership will add a complementary perspective to environmentally driven ocean literacy efforts by promoting the changes in behaviours and attitudes needed to enable the just and sustainable transformation of Europe’s blue economy. This can generate interest in Europe in sustainable maritime innovations, career options, investment opportunities, and generally the quest of reconciling economic development with marine ecological integrity. Industry actors will be targeted to help embed the corporate environmental responsibility needed to affect the transition. The thematic foci will be guided by the Intervention Areas and align with the EU4Ocean Coalition.
The partnership will also offer webinars about ocean literacy and communication science, and provides an ocean literacy toolkit to enable partnership beneficiaries to improve public knowledge and appreciation about their work and the opportunities in the blue economy domain.
The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Ocean Literacy Toolkit is intended both for its funded projects and for the stakeholder community at large. The Toolkit will support integrating and enhancing ocean literacy efforts in their activities to promote the behavioural changes needed to enable the just transition to a sustainable blue economy in Europe.
The toolkit is a collection of resources, including links to informative reports, networking platforms and initiatives on ocean literacy at the regional (EU4Ocean) and international (UN Ocean Decade) levels.
Ocean Literacy for All: Toolkit – IOC UNESCO
Ocean Literacy within the United Nations Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – A Framework for Action:
UN Ocean Decade:
Ocean Decade Network:
Ocean Literacy With All (OLWA) Programme – IOC UNESCO Italy
EU4Ocean EC page:
Youth4Ocean Forum:
European Blue Schools Network: