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  • Networking Friday On ‘Ocean Literacy For Sustainable Blue Economy’

Networking Friday on ‘Ocean Literacy for Sustainable Blue Economy’

Ocean literacy plays a relevant role in developing the blue economy due to its multifaceted significance. A comprehensive understanding of oceanic ecosystems, resources, and processes enables informed decision-making and effective management practices. Such knowledge empowers stakeholders to capitalize on marine resources while mitigating negative environmental impacts, fostering long-term economic growth. Moreover, ocean literacy promotes innovation and technological advancements in fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, and renewable energy sectors. This webinar promoted by the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership aims to debate and explore how investing in ocean literacy initiatives is essential for harnessing the full potential of the blue economy while safeguarding the health and resilience of marine ecosystems.

Practical info


28 Jun 2024 | 14:00-15:00



Agenda (CEST)

14:00 Welcome remarks and introduction by Jack Coulton, UNESCO-IOC

14:05 Ocean Literacy in the SBEP, Thorsten Kiefer, JPI Oceans

14:15  From barriers to solutions: Seafood Literacy in the Blue Economy, Juanita Zorrilla, SUBMON

14:25 Ocean literacy as a driver to attract talent to the maritime technologies. Lucia Fraga, CETMAR, ORESkills partnership

14:35 Ocean Literacy and Social media, Adriana Lippi, Women's League for the Ocean (Liga Das Mulheres Pelo Oceano)

14:45 Q&A, moderated by Jack Coulton, UNESCO

15:00 Closing remarks