Sustainable Aquaculture - EU research and innovation policy for sustainable aquaculture IAF2212_W1_0.pdf pdf 16 MB
Portfolio analysis, EU mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” portfolio analysis eu mission “restore our ocean and-KI0523185ENN.pdf pdf 5.4 MB
Annex F – Open Access and Fair Data (Updated 3 March) ANNEX F_Open Access and Fair Data_VF_0.pdf pdf 138.8KB
Annex C – List of beneficiaries of SBEP allowed to participate in R&I projects consortia (Updated 3 March) ANNEX C_List of benef. of SBEP allowed to participate in R&I projects consortia.pdf pdf 60 KB
Annex B – National and regional funding regulations (Updated 03 April) ANNEX B_VF_Addendum5_030423.pdf pdf 1.78 MB